In July, the Africa E-Reader Team gathered for its annual meeting. The three-day meeting is an opportunity that allows the US team and the African leaders and trainers on the ground to come together and evaluate the Project and make course corrections for the future.
This was the team’s fourth annual meeting. The team was formed in 2016 and includes individuals from countries across Africa. The team was created to ensure the E-Reader Project’s direction and decisions would always include its African leaders.

Headed by the E-Reader Project Leader, Rev. Dr. Beauty Maenzanise, the team listened as members shared their reports from schools they had visited and gave their summaries of how the project is performing there. Members also participated in a “Kindle Clinic” learning how to troubleshoot any technical issues with the devices.
“I am always inspired by the stories of impact from each of the schools that our trainers report on,” Africa E-Reader Team member and former Project Leader Robin Pippin said. “It is clear to me by these statements from students and faculty that the E-Reader Project is continuing to make a real difference to many in our church who do not have adequate resources in their training to be the future leaders of the church. I can’t think of a more inspiring mission to be a part of.”

The theme for this year’s meeting was “Charting a Path Forward” with the team plotting a future for the project. “There is a lot of uncertainty about the future in the church right now.” Pippin said. “We cannot ignore that fact. At the same time, we are certain about the mission of the E-Reader Project and that it is continuing to help students and faculty at United Methodist theological schools on the continent of Africa to have access to the texts they desperately need. We plan to move forward with our mission, even in the midst of the uncertainty. There may be a time when the E-Reader Project will end—but that time is not now. We continue to provide new texts and e-readers to those in need.”