Gloria Hughes has been excited about the E-Reader Project since its beginning. She was hooked before she even knew the details.
“While working on a writing project years ago with Robin Pippin, she mentioned this new thing she was doing.” Hughes said. “Robin explained how the people would benefit from this project. Her heart for this ministry was contagious and compelling.”
The owner of a Kindle herself, she understood the benefits of having one small device that could be loaded with hundreds of books. “The thought of our God family in other parts of the world feeling called to ordained ministry, yet no having access to resources was heartbreaking,” Hughes said.
She decided to get involved, spreading word of the project through her position as Chair of the Order of Deacons for the Western North Carolina Conference. For years, the conference donated an e-reader on behalf of each newly ordained Deacon and Elder, and for any retirees. Hughes says she continues to pray for this project and for those whose lives are changed by the access to resources all at their fingertips.