The African Association of United Methodist Theological Institutions (AAUMTI) meets annually to bring together the leadership of theological institutions to network and promote theological education in the continent.
This year’s event, which was organized in partnership with Higher Education and Ministry, was held in Johannesburg, South Africa from October 24-27 in conjunction with the African Association of Methodist Institutions of Higher Education (AAMIHE). The theme of the joint AAMIHE-AAUMTI was “Methodist Education in Africa and its Global Impact.”
DRI’s Missions Resourcing Coordinator Junie Nkonge, who handles day-to-day operations for the E-Reader Project, was in attendance with over 100 leaders from Africa’s theological schools to represent the project.
“It was important to meet in-person with leaders of these theological institutions as it helped build more meaningful connections with them. Now when I email Rev. Tata in Abidjan, for instance, I know exactly who he is, and he is more likely to respond to me knowing who I am.”

Nkonge fielded questions about the project providing clarity to representatives attending the event. She was also able to get updates from the project’s partner schools, which will help in planning for 2019’s production schedule.
“I was reminded of the value that e-Readers bring to theological education in Africa; how crucial it is for future church leaders to be provided with the resources and tools they need for their ministry. I also learned of how impactful the work of DRI through Publishing Teams in the Central Conferences in Africa has been; as we support them in the creation of contextual resources for their regions.”
The E-Readers for Theological Education initiative is a partnership with Higher Education and Ministry and Discipleship Ministries and is committed to providing e-libraries on e-readers with important theological texts to the libraries of United Methodist-related and sponsored theological schools in Africa and the Philippines. Learn more about the E-Reader project and donate today